
Monday, April 23, 2012

Food to My Soul

"Do not work for the food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life." -John 6:27

"Let's have a food trip!" I remember saying this to my partner Doodie every time we get to have weekend break.

Food has always been a part of our enjoyment and of course, a part of our needs. It is most likely impossible to live life without even eating a single food. And I believe, this has been probably the very first reason why everybody works so hard in their lives. So that they can survive life's everyday challenges, they have to stay alive.

Yes, food nourishes your physical body with full of nutrients to keep you going. But do you feed your soul? Just like our body, our soul needs nourishment as well. And be blessed because God gave this to us for free! You don't have to be worried where to get money. You don't have to work overtime at all. You just got to BELIEVE. Believe in the power that God can give you eternal life for free. If your soul thirsts, drink the Cup of His Blood. If your soul starves, eat the Bread of Life.

You may be asking now, "Where do I find this?" My friend, you don't have to look anywhere else. It is no other than JESUS. And yes, I can humbly say He is the Food to My Soul.

“Everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day." -John 6:40